The Museum honors women’s contributions to the Army from the Revolutionary War to the present. Army Women’s Museum is the only museum in the world dedicated to Army women. Army Quartermaster Corps, the Army’s oldest logistics branch. The Quartermaster Museum has preserved the history and heritage of the U.S. Health Professions Special Pay (Accession Bonus (AB) Special Pay provides up to 20,000 per year, participants must choose 2, 3 or 4 years of affiliation for Optometry (67F), Aeromedical Evacuation (67J), Microbiology (71A), Clinical Laboratory (71E), Entomology (72B), Audiology (72C), and Social Work (73A). Army CASCOM, and other organizations within the Generating Force.

The Quartermaster Knowledge Center provides Commanders, Staffs and Soldiers of Active and Reserve Component Sustainment Brigades, BSBs, TCSs, ESCs and other Sustainment and Logistics formations of the Operational Force with the means to share experience, ask questions and discuss concerns with each other, the U.S. General Irvine took command of the 509th Strategic Bomb Wing at Walker Air Force Base. James McConville, said, The goal is to create a comprehensive culture of talent development and management that will span. Anyone with a CAC card can access the QMS SharePoint Portal. The Army talent management system is a 21st-century, data-rich and people-centric approach to leveraging the right diverse talents to fight and win our nation’s future wars. It is a web-based tool for sharing documents, information, and ideas. The Quartermaster SharePoint Portal is a collborative tool available to the Quartermaster Staff and Soldiers.